It’s been a rollercoaster year. If you’ve been feeling a lot, you’re not alone. In fact, a lot of people on our team agree that there have been so many...
By Melissa Foulks, MFT Trainee We live in an age where celebrities are openly talking about their mental health. Though everyone’s experience is different, the stories these celebrities share are...
At the Ventura Counseling & Wellness Center and our sister campus, West Valley Counseling Center, we want to make it easier and more comfortable for people to access mental health...
Good news, Venturans. By deciding to live in this city, you’ve done some good for your mental health. A recent survey found that people who live close to a body...
With all the extra time at home this year, most of us are cooking more. And that means more involved trips to the grocery store. But have you ever headed...
The National Institute of Mental Health said it best: “Technology has opened a new frontier in mental health support.” Want mental health care at your fingertips? There’s an app for...
Your nerve cells make a chemical called serotonin. On top of playing a role in your digestion, blood clotting, and other bodily functions, serotonin is a powerful natural mood stabilizer....
This year, pride celebrations are going to look different. In recent years, June marked the start of a month of colorful community celebration in Ventura. While we can’t come together...
By Melissa Foulks, MFT Trainee, West Valley Counseling Center In the age of technology, we have the ability to connect with anyone around the world at our fingertips. From text...
The coronavirus pandemic has changed life for all of us. Even as the weather warms, we’re all hunkering down indoors. It’s the right thing to do right now. By sheltering...