The way we grow up plays a role in shaping who we become. But the promising news is that this impact is not fixed. For instance, that’s not to say...
We experience trauma, an emotional response, after going through something distressing or frightening that we were unable to successfully cope with or control. That could be a natural disaster that...
Anger can be a useful tool. It alerts us that a boundary has been crossed and it motivates us to stick up for ourselves or others. But just like any...
Relocating can be equal parts exciting and terrifying. Your new locale opens up tons of new opportunities. You might get into a hobby you didn’t have access to before (like...
Boundaries can take a lot of different forms. You might set physical boundaries if you don’t like being touched, or you might enforce emotional ones that limit how much you...
Most of us have people we want to please in our lives. It could be a parent or partner. And in some cases, it can be healthy to prioritize someone...
In 2024, a lot of people are living their lives with plenty of eyes on them. Even your neighbor or coworker might have a sizable social media following. In the...
With the new year nearly upon us, a lot of people are picking up a pen and starting to write down their resolutions for 2024. It’s an exciting time to...
You might have heard the old saying that’s been attributed to countless people, from the Buddha to Saint Augustine. Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other...
‘Tis the season for families to come together. That brings a smile to some peoples’ faces. But if the mere thought of getting together with your family fills you with...