Dial 988 in Mental Health Crises
When you were little, the adults in your life probably encouraged you to learn two phone numbers: your home phone and 911. Now, there’s a third, extra-easy number to add...
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When you were little, the adults in your life probably encouraged you to learn two phone numbers: your home phone and 911. Now, there’s a third, extra-easy number to add...
We often recommend journaling for mental health — and we’re not alone. Studies show that journaling can reduce stress, minimize symptoms of anxiety and depression, and help you process and heal...
There’s nothing more precious than a child. Whether you’re a parent, teacher, or just someone who values our community’s youth, you know that kids deserve to feel healthy and happy....
Are you a caregiver in the Ventura County area? If so, we’ve got an upcoming support group to come alongside you. At our Caregiver Support Group, we’ll be exploring things...
July might be the time when we celebrate our nation’s independence. But it’s also a reminder that when it comes to equity for all, we still have room for improvement....
Happy Pride Month, friends! We always love this time of year. While the Diversity Collective is holding our Ventra County Pride Festival in August this time around, there are still...
Living in sunny California, we talk less about the way the different seasons affect us. But gray days or lots of snow aren’t the only types of weather that can...
Trauma takes many forms, but it’s important to understand. When we have a grasp on what trauma is and how it affects people, we can do better about caring for...
When you think about things that are addictive, your mind probably goes to cigarettes or alcohol. But there’s a sneakier addiction (we’re using the term a little loosely here) that’s...
We’ve talked about self-care before, and not just because it’s a trending topic. While the relationships with other people in our lives matter, we’re the only ones who can truly...
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